
Roman Town and Museum of Ammaia

 Nearby the village of Marvão, in São Salvador de Aramenha (Northern Alentejo) was found a roman civilization called Ammaia. The roman town have been established at the end of the 1st century BC and the beginning of the 1st century AC, seem to demonstrate the remains founded so far.

Square Entrance

In 1995 the archeological excavations began and 3,000m2 were placed uncovered. According several studies, the original area would have around 20 hectares. Several public buildings were found at the moment : the Forum, a public Thermal complexe, Square entrance ( south gate) and the existence of a Theater and Amphitheater.

South Gate

I suggest you comfortable shoes to do a walking tour in order to explore the ruins of the roman town. After the walking tour, the visit to the Monographic Museum of Ammaia is mandatory. 

At the museum you'll have a chance to know better the way of life of the roman civilization. It has a very important collection of epigraphs that can be divided by several tipologies. There are inscriptions dedicated to roman gods and funeral inscriptions which were placed in memory of the death; one of the most important collections of roman glasse from the Iberian Peninsula (plates, bottles, cups, ...) and a numismatic collection.
During the archeological excavations , several artifacts testimony of roman culture and civilization were found: rings, earrings, bracelets, stones rings, pins headdresses and stones necklaces, and some residential structures from the 1st and 4th centuries AC with some fireplaces and water conduct.



Castle of Marvão

Marvão is a small village located in Northern Alentejo Region, close to the spanish frontier, is one of the amazing fortified villages in Portugal. One of the main attractions in this village is the Castle of Marvão, that is inserted in the Natural Park of São Mamede. Getting the name from a Islamic Horseman called Ibn Maruánthis, it was later conquered by the Christians in the 13th century, which substantially improved the fortifications. The high altitude of this castle offers visitors a wide view over the mountain landscape.
Which make the experience unique is walking throught the narrow and cobblestones streets full of small white houses, where you can enjoy the silence and relax. Between the castle and the village you' ll find a beautiful garden, that invites you to read a good book.
If you want to know all the history of the fortress, you must visit the Military Museum. As larger buildings, you have: the Santa Maria Church from the 13th/14th centuries (foundation), that is now the Municipality Museum; the Santiago Church from the 14th century; the Holy Spirit Chapel (1573); the Ancient Town Hall , Manuelin Style with a Prison, the Clock Tower and the Ancient Court and the Pillory from the 16th century.
There you also have souvenirs shops, where you can find local products such as: pottery, licors, bijou, cork products, jams, ...
If you decide to overnight there, i suggest you the Pousada Santa Maria that has a fantastic view from the living room and some rooms.
You can find more information about the place itself our about the Region at the Tourism Office, where a very nice lady welcomes you.

A little advice: don't visit the Castle between May and June, otherwise you'll be "attacked" by this insects .